Virus and Massage Therapy COVID-19 is thought to be spread mainly by aerosol droplets.
Besides pre-screening for symptoms and patient exposure risks (from travel or contact with a person), our main concern is protection of the eyes, nose and mouth via PPE, and by avoiding transfer by avoiding transfer by not touching our eyes, nose and mouth and the use of masks by both the patient and therapist. Frequent hand washing and/or using hand sanitizer, as well as sanitizing of surfaces that droplets could land on, respiratory etiquette and social distancing, further reduce the spread of COVID19.
Massage Therapy treatments do not allow for physical distancing in the treatment room.
The following list of preventative measures that are being implemented.
1. Pre-screening of both Therapist (T) and Patient (P).
2. Practicing physical distancing whenever possible, both T and P.
3. Sanitizing or washing hands immediately upon arrival and after treatment, both T and P.
4. Both Therapist and Patient will be required to wear masks, unless consent is given otherwise.
5. Not touching your face or unnecessary surfaces throughout the clinic, both T and P.
6. Longer breaks between appointments to allow for sanatizing clinic and treatment surfaces between
every appointment by the therapist.
7. To minimize exposure to others, there will be longer breaks between appointments. Patients are asked to
wait in their vehicles or outside until invited in and will refrain from touching unnecessary surfaces
throughout the clinic and allow me to open doors for them.
8. Patients will leave any unnecessary items at home.
9. Payment will be though e-transfer and tap whenever possible.
No in-person appointment is risk free, even if the patient and massage therapist appear well. Asymptomatic spreaders could still visit the clinic, which is why despite everyone’s best efforts we cannot reduce the risk of transmission to zero.
Those at particularly high risk of complications from COVID-19
• Those over 65 • Those with underlying medical conditions (especially if not well controlled
• Those with chronic lung disease of moderate to severe asthma
• Those with heart conditions
• Those who are immunocompromised
• Those who are severely obese
• Those with diabetes
• Those with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis
• Those with liver disease
These populations are encouraged to refrain from massage therapy for the time being, however, it is ultimately up to the patient’s discretion.
Therapist Screening
• Daily self-screening will be done the
night before and before each scheduled
• Practicing social distancing and limited
errands/interactions outside of work
with continue.
• If the therapist develops any symptoms
included in the self-assessment, they
will contact all recent appointments
and cancel two weeks in advance. And
will proceed to get tested for C-19.
Patient Screening
• Once your appointment is booked, you will receive confirmation, and information on my Restart Plan. A
Pre-screen questionnaire will be included in your appointment reminder the day before your scheduled
appointment. Protocols demand that I will need to talk to you in person to go over this with you the
night before. If for some reason I have not been able to reach you. I ask you get a hold of me, or I will
have to reschedule your appointment.
• You will be asked to complete and sign a Pre-Screen Consent Form at the time of your appointment
before entrance to the clinic.
Patients who develop symptoms are required to cancel their appointments. Late cancellation fees will be waived in this instance. Patients are required to disclose to the therapist it if they develop symptoms after having recently visited the clinic and should report to the therapist any positive C-19 test results.
• My clinic is a home-based location, you will remain outside or in your vehicle until I have indicated for you
to enter. I have a waiting area, which will now be more of a pass-through area, I have removed reading
material to allow for easier sanitization. There is a water cooler, disposable cups will only be available
upon request. You will be prompted to use the bottle of hand sanitizer as you enter the clinic.
• You are encouraged to use the washroom before you come, but there is one available with a touchless
soap dispenser and paper towel, for wiping your hands after.
• You will be entering the clinic when I indicate the coast is clear, I will open and close all doors for you to
allow for less contact.
• My treatment room has been modified, to allow for easier sanitation, curtains and pillow on the chair
have been removed. There are vinyl covers on pillows, face rest and the table, that can be wiped down
between use.
• A disinfectant on the approved list provided by the Canadian Government will be used to sanitize all high-
touch surfaces and treatment surfaces in the clinic.
• All linens will be washed and dried using hot water and high heat settings.
• Every single piece of linen will be replaced for each appointment.
• I will be wearing a new apron for each appointment to minimize any transfer from clothing.
• The bathroom will be cleaned regularly throughout the day.
• The floors will be sanitized between clients
• All used surfaces such as chairs, tables, doorknobs, light switches, hand sanitizer pump, oil bottles,
electronic devices, and a treatment surfaces will be attended to between each appointment.
• The dirty laundry will be put directly into the washing machine.
• I will continue thorough hand, arm and elbow washing before and after massage appointments
• If you need to use the bathroom, the rug and towels have been removed and there is a touchless soap
dispenser and paper towel.
I know its a lot to take in, but I thank you for you ongoing support and patience as we all navigate through the next phase,or learn to adjust to the new normal.
Unfortunately my practice is full at this time. If you are not an existing client however, you can contact me to be put on a cancellation list.